Hello, hello friends of Foodies Bee Hive!
A fast food classic that most of us love are the famous hot dogs, a combination of bread, sausage and delicious sauces. At home we are more used to buy them ready, however this time we decided to do something different and prepare them on our own, here I will show you the step by step and the final result of how they turned out. Without further ado, let's get to the kitchen!

- 20 Panes para perros calientes (o los que consideres necesarios).
- 1k de Salchichas (Unas 20 aproximadamente).
- 3 zanahorias.
- 1/2 Repollo
- 1 Cebolla (opcional).
- Papas fritas.
- Salsa de tomate y mayonesa.
- Mostaza (opcional).
- Salsa de ajo.
- 20 Hot dog buns (or as many as you consider necessary).
- 1k of Sausages (About 20 approximately).
- 3 carrots.
- 1/2 Cabbage
- 1 Onion (optional).
- French fries.
- Tomato sauce and mayonnaise.
- Mustard (optional).
- Garlic sauce.

Paso 1 | Step 1 |
Lo primero que hicimos fue colocar las salchichas en agua hirviendo por algunos minutos, unos 5 minutos aproximadamente o hasta que consideremos que están listas. Al mismo tiempo, podremos a calentar los panes en baño de maria para que queden bien suaves. | The first thing we did was to place the sausages in boiling water for a few minutes, about 5 minutes or until we consider them ready. At the same time, we can heat the breads in a bain-marie to make them soft. |
Paso 2 | Step 2 |
Mientras hacemos el paso uno, podemos ir rayando la zanahoria, y cortar el repollo y la cebolla en trozos muy pequeños. La cebolla es algo opcional, pues no a todo el mundo le gusta la cebolla en el perro caliente. | While we are doing step one, we can grate the carrot, and cut the cabbage and onion into very small pieces. The onion is optional, as not everyone likes onion in the hot dog. |
Paso 3 | Step 3 |
Una vez tenemos todo listo llega el mejor momento ¡preparar los perros!. Comenzamos abriendo un poco el pan a la mitad para colocar la salchicha, pero antes podemos echar un poco de salsa de tomate y mayonesa al pan para dar mucho más sabor. | Once we have everything ready, the best moment comes: preparing the dogs! We start by opening the bread a little in half to place the sausage, but before we can add a little tomato sauce and mayonnaise to the bread to give much more flavor. |
Paso 4 | Step 4 |
Ahora, procederemos a agregar el repollo, la zanahoria y la cebolla. | Now, proceed to add the cabbage, carrot and onion. |
Paso 5 | Step 5 |
Por último, agregaremos las papas fritas, mucha más salsa de tomate, mayonesa, mostaza y salsa de ajo si así lo deseas. | Finally, add the french fries, a lot more ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard and garlic sauce if desired. |
Something I love about hot dogs is that their preparation is extremely simple and fast, it doesn't require many steps and once the sausages are ready you can have a delicious hot dog in less than 1 minute! As I said at the beginning, at home we are more into buying them ready made, but making them at home was a unique and wonderful experience to share with the family, plus they were very good. We only made 6 hot dogs, since there are only three of us at home, but the recipe can easily make 20 hot dogs to share🤗
Although fast food or street food should not be customary, it is an excellent option when we want to eat something different and delicious. Get ready to prepare them!