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Sorry but no, my last post was a POTATO TORTILLA the preparation is not the same, the ingredients are not the same, the only thing they share is the Tortilla name and the eggs obviously because every tortilla in the world has eggs but is not the same. It really hurts my feelings this act considering how much effort it takes to create and edit each video, if we cannot cook something that has the same name but different preparations it must be in the rules... But ok, I assume this comment is not going to change anything, but I need you to know it hurts a lot this behavior, because is not the same recipe.

 8 months ago (edited)

Aren't you going to change anything? Are you sure @generp? Look carefully at the video you uploaded, it is the same video of the Spanish tortilla that you made days ago.

Look here @generp


Oh god what a stupid person I am, my bad, it was my mistake, I edited and and put it the thumbnail to the wrong video, I've never upload the proper video... So sorry, for my behavior and the mistake it wasn't the intention... Should I forget about this post or Could I edit it?!

You must totally forget about this publication and the video that corresponded to this post. You cannot use this material and the video anymore @generp

Ok, got it.