Hehe I love the 'apocalypseskills' tag!
Ha! It is kind of random but... I have this thing that I have done for years where I give people what I call a 'post-apocalyptic hardiness score' and while I do not actually share said score with folks or anything it is something that I use to gauge them with.
Maybe it is a good thing that you don't share the score, because I think I'm afraid to ask! 😅
Lately, I have been a lot more interested in learning little things I see as apocalypse skills (I'll admit, hot sauce was more of a joke, though depending on the situation it could be useful)
Yeah, any skill is useful honestly! Most of the 'score' actually has to do with things like aptitude, self-discipline, adaptability, resilience, mental fortitude in the face of adversity, how folks deal with hardship, stress and things like that.
Making hot sauce is not all that many steps away from making pepper spray either!
That seems like a pretty decent way of gauging people!
Yeah, learning new skills is always enjoyable....definitely going to look into how to make pepper spray now. 😂