Hi Foodies!
How are you all?
I'm back again with an interesting dish called momos. The dish is popular among people and foodlover from ever since they originated. At first they originates at Tibet and now they are famous among India, Nepal, Bhutan and Asia. The taste of the dish makes it famous in all countries. It's a type of dumpling filled with vegetables.
There are different type of momos, the steamed one, the fried, tanduri momos, soup monos, cheese momos, paneer momos as so on. I'm a vegetarian so I don't know about the nonveg momos but yes, they exists.
In this blog i'll teach you how to prepare the classic steamed vegetable momos. Well momos the outer layer of the momos is made up of white flour or maida but to make it healthier I have replaced maida with wheat flour. And also to make it you need a special utensil called momo makes or steamer also, you can add vegetables of your choice.
Wheat flour-1kg
Green Chilly-4
Oil- 1/2 bowl
Red Chilly Power-1 Spoon
Coriander Power-1 Spoon
Start by mixing the wheat flour, you need to add water carefully as it should ot be too wet. After mixing it properly let it rest for 15 minutes.
You also need to apply oil on it for the better texture. Now it's time to chop the vegetables of your choice. I have only added cabbage and onion cause the combination is simply best.
One thing you should keep in mind is we need to chop them fine as we are not cooking the vegetable earlier and it will cook only by stream, so it should be as small as possible.
Now we need to extract the extract water from the vegetables cause it won't be possible to made dumplings out of it. For this we will first add both cabbage and onion together and then add salt to it. Mix it well and let it sit for 10 minutes. You'll notice water separating from the cabbage and onion. Now with the help of your hands extract the water.
Moving on , we will make small chapatis out of dough that we have prepared earlier. The outer layer of momo should be thin so accordingly we have to make chapati. Now for shape, I have used bowl to pressed it against the big chapati.
Extract the small round chapati and put back the material which is left.
By repeating the same process again and again I prepared lots of them as you can see in the pictures.
Now its time to fill them up. So take a spoonful of mixture we prepared and keep it in chapati and most important thing is to shape them properly. I myself prepared it for the very first time so mine is not perfect either. It takes time and patience.
This is how they turned out. You can give them any shape and size. I made them bigger in size as I enjoyed them that way.
With what you will eat them? So I have an amazing recipe for you guys to prepare tomato chutney or sauce with no harmful ingredients and that taste amazing.
Green Chilly-4
Rock Salt
Mango Power
Put some water in a pan and let it boil. Now make cuts to the tomatoes from both end as shown in the pictures.
Now put them in the boiling water for 10 minutes. With this the outer layer of the tomatoes will get removed and the pulp will become more softer.
This is how it will look after removing the outer layer and by cutting the part left. Now the final touch. Put oil in a pan and let it heat, then add the tomatoes to it and let it cook for 5 minutes.
Add salt, mango powder and green chillies to it. Now your delicious chutney is ready.
This is juicy, flavourful, delicious and totally up to the mark. I wish you guys could taste it
I think I have realized lately is when I prepare street food at home it tastes heavenly even batter then the food we get from outside. It's healthier as no harmful ingredients are used and you can fully trust the material that goes to prepare it. This made me prepare street food that I crave for, at home and I have just started, there is much more for me to explore and prepare
I hope you guys enjoyed it and once you prepare it you will get addicted to it. Mark my words. And it's even healthier then the food that we prepared normally at home by adding oil as it's only boiled.
*If you ever prepare this, do let me know how it turned out for you.
Thank you everyone for reading this.
See you super soon with new recipe.*