Quick and easy zucchini spaghetti [Esp-Eng]

in Foodies Bee Hive3 months ago

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A few months ago I was in a weight loss challenge in which we were given a list of foods that we could eat and another of what we could not eat, this challenge lasted only three weeks, and the truth is that although I did not lose so much weight, it did help me to have a little healthier eating.

Generally the way we grew up where I live, was that food should always be accompanied by carbohydrates such as rice and pasta, but although I always ate them, it's not that I loved them, I think mainly because after eating them I felt a little heavy, especially pasta.

As much as I tried I could not find a way to substitute these foods for other things, sometimes I tried with potatoes or cassava, but not always the price of these vegetables was better than buying a kilo of rice or pasta. Because they usually yield much more, and this is quite useful when you cook for several people.

! [Spanish version]
A few months ago I was in a weight loss challenge in which we were given a list of foods that we could eat and another of what we could not eat, this challenge lasted only three weeks, and the truth is that although I did not lose so much weight, it did help me to have a little healthier eating.

Generally the way we grew up where I live, was that food should always be accompanied by carbohydrates such as rice and pasta, but although I always ate them, it's not that I loved them, I think mainly because after eating them I felt a little heavy, especially pasta.

As much as I tried I could not find a way to substitute these foods for other things, sometimes I tried with potatoes or cassava, but not always the price of these vegetables was better than buying a kilo of rice or pasta. Because they usually yield much more, and this is quite useful when you cook for several people.


But in this challenge as I was allowed to eat these carbohydrates I got an economical and also tasty way to eat "pasta", and the best, a food that doesn't make you feel bad after eating it: zucchini. The truth is that I never saw this vegetable as something tasty that you can eat with your protein, I didn't love it. But now I like it a lot and I use it quite a lot.

I got an inexpensive little cheese grater type utensil, with which I can chop my zucchini so that they are in the shape of spaghetti, elongated and thin. For my lunch today, I only used one, but if you are one of those people who eat a little more at lunch, you can use a little more, because when the zucchini is cooked it gets quite small.

! [Spanish version]
Pero en este reto como me estaba permitido comer estos carbohidratos conseguí una manera económica y también rica de comer "pastas", y lo mejor, un alimenti que no te hace sentir mal luego de comerlo: el calabacin. La verdad es que este vegetal nunca lo vi como algo rico que puedes comer con tu proteína, no me encantaba. Pero ahora me gusta mucho y lo uso bastante.

Conseguí un pequeño utensilio económico tipo rallador de queso, con el que puedo picar mis calabacines de manera que queden con la forma del espagueti, alargado y desgados. Para mi almuerzo de hoy, solo utilicé uno, pero si eres de las personas que comen un poco más en el almuerzo, puedes utilizar un poco más, ya que cuando el calabacin se cocina se reduce bastante.




To prepare it, I use all the seasonings I have at home, in this case I had sweet bell pepper, onion and cilantro, I put them to sauté in butter and when they were ready, I began to chop the zucchini directly in the pan, (this is not necessary, I did it this way because I forgot to chop it before), with the spiral cutter that the truth is as easy as sharpening a color.

The cooking time is only 5 minutes, if you take more time the zucchini is very soft and starts to leak too much water. After this your zucchini pasta is ready, but according to your taste you can add something else. I added a few squares of mozzarella cheese and turkey ham and it was delicious.

! [Spanish version]
Para prepararlo, utilizo todos los aliños que tenga en casa, en este caso tenía ají dulce, cebollin y cilantro los puse a sofreir en mantequilla y cuando estaban listos, comencé a picar el calabacin directo en el sarten, (esto no es necesario, lo hice así porque olvidé picarlo antes), con el cortador en espiral que la verdad es tan fácil como sacarle punta a un color.

El tiempo de cocción es de solo 5 minutos, si tardas más tiempo el calabacin queda muy suave y comienza a botar demasiada agua. Luego de esto ya tu pasta de calabacin estaría lista, pero según tus gustos puede agregarle algo más. Yo le puse unos cuadritos de queso mozarela y jamón de pavo y quedo, riquísimo.




This is an incredibly tasty and quick option for your healthy lunches, I accompanied it with stewed chicken and I really enjoyed its flavor, plus when I finished eating, I had energy and not sleepy, as it usually happens when you eat spaghetti. I invite you to try this recipe and let me know what you think.

! [Spanish version]
Esta es una opción increíblemente rica y rápida para tus almuerzos saludables, yo la acompañé con pollo guisado y disfruté muchísimo de su sabor, además al terminar de comer, tuve energía y no sueño, como normalmente ocurre cuando uno come espagueti. Te invito a probar esta receta y contarme que te pareció.

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-Content entirely of my authorship and inspiration.
-Original text in Spanish, translated at DeepL.
-Personal photographs, taken with my Huawei p30 Lite Phone.
-Banners designed in Canva Pro.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


All in all it would be a dish that I would love to prepare! plus the fact that it doesn't fall as heavy as conventional spaghetti is a big plus!

Great, then you should try it, you might like it a lot. Especially because it's one of those foods that doesn't cause you any discomfort after eating it. Thanks for stopping by, don't forget to let me know if you get to try this recipe.