I woke up with a slight buzz from the evening before. It wasn't entirely the idea to have this lazy state as there was enough to do today. But the conversation at my friends house where we talked about the similarities in the life of people who were working in surgery and people who are working in the aviation. The hierarchy, working in protocols and crew resource management, it really sounded a lot the same.
We were more alike than we thought, and with that conclusion also came the wine to draw that conclusion with. Hence the situation in the morning. But after walking a lap outside and taking care of the chickens the stash of fresh eggs made me realise I needed some sweet and savory at the same time.
If I have bananas in the house that are starting to go bad, I usully peel them and stock them unpeeled in the freezer. That way the taste stays, but they wont go bad any further. And you have the perfect banana mush to use whenever you feel like it.

It was time for some banana pancakes
I used one of the old frozen bananas and a fresh egg. Im not sure if the chickens are too fond of me going for their eggs, but on the other hand I also feed them which somewhere means that they se me as a friendly person.
But taking just one big egg and one banana and sticking it in the blender with a pinch of salt in there made a nice mixture. Some low heat baking in the pan and voila, banana pancakes.
On top of there some random yoghurt I found in the fridge and also because it is mucho strawberry season here some super sweet strawberries on top of that. Et voila, the perfect breakfast and it also looks like a bit of hashtag fitgirl in there right?
I love the strawberry season. The weird thing always here is that around half of March there are strawberries in the supermarket which are really cheap and they taste quite good and these are imported from Spain where the season starts early I guess. Then there is a phase of no available strawberries which turns over half of April into the strawberries coming from Dutch soil. These are a lot more expensive than the Spanish ones which should be weird because they are not imported. Costs of labout versus costs of transport is still something that is weird to me.
I tried growing strawberries in the garden a couple of years back, but the only ones who were actually able to eat them were the birds. I never ended up with a decent strawberry because they were always stolen so I leave this up to the farmers around the corner here.
But banana pancakes in the morning? 5 minutes of work and I have no idea why I don't eat this every day because it is awesome. And now back to the procastinating of what I actually need to do.

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