Hello dear friends of the community, happy Wednesday I want to share with you this delicious yucca arepas with mozzarella cheese.

- 1/2 kilo de yuca
- dos cucharas de mantequilla
- queso mozzarella
- queso de rayar
- aceite
- sal
- 1/2 kilo of yucca
- two tablespoons of butter
- mozzarella cheese
- grating cheese
- oil
- salt
Proceso/ process
1. - Primero cocinamos la yuca con agua y sal hasta que este super blanda, la llevamos a una taza para que se enfrié y ahí comenzamos a rayar la yuca con un rayador luego comenzamos a amasar muy bien, y le agregamos la mantequilla y comenzamos a amasar hasta que quede todo uniforme rayamos el queso normal y amasamos, luego picamos el queso mozzarella en partes redondas
1. - First we cook the yucca with water and salt until it is super soft, we take it to a bowl to cool and then we begin to grate the yucca with a grater, then we begin to knead very well, and we add the butter and begin to knead until it is all uniform, we grate the normal cheese and knead, then we chop the mozzarella cheese in round pieces.

2. - Luego colocamos un budare a calentar agregamos un poco de aceite y vamos a ir haciendo bolitas con la masa hacemos un hoyo y colocamos el queso mozzarella cerramos y vamos a ir colocando en el budare y las dejaremos cocinar por 10 minutos o hasta que quede doraditas de los dos lados
2. - Then we place a budare to heat add a little oil and we will make little balls with the dough we make a hole and place the mozzarella cheese we close and we will place them in the budare and let them cook for 10 minutes or until they are golden brown on both sides.

And ready friends, this is a delicious and easy to make dinner, thank you all for reading and supporting me.

All photos are my property
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