Memories of a great currywurst 🇩🇪🍻🥨 Berlin Impressions

in Foodies Bee Hivelast month (edited)


When people ask me what I miss most in the Land of the Rising Sun, I can't quickly come up with a suitable answer. Over the years, I've gotten used to my new home and have probably adapted quite a bit. I like it here in Japan, and if I could, I would probably like to stay here forever.

But when I think about it more carefully, there are perhaps a few things that come to mind that I miss while I am here. Some time ago, the first answer would probably have been “real German bread”, but in the meantime I have discovered a great bread source that I hope will never dry up.

Next would probably be “good cheese at an acceptable price”. Of course you can also buy delicious cheese here in Japan, but the prices they charge can quickly make you lose faith. In this respect, we severely limit ourselves and have to postpone our cheese cravings until our next visit home. But it may be a while before that happens. Unfortunately, I can't just make a quick detour to the nearest German-speaking town. The organizational effort and the time required are out of proportion if you only want to satisfy your own craving for some delicious cheese.

Talking about visiting home immediately brings back a few memories. And since we're already on the food topic, those memories are also of a culinary nature. The last time I visited Germany, I was amazed and also shocked at how the prices had gone up. It became most obvious to me when I saw the price of a doner kebab. It's crazy what they charge for that these days.

And it wasn't just the kebab that made me gasp, same happened when I studied the price list at the currywurst stand. The price of a currywurst with a serving of fries has doubled, if not tripled, since I was away. What used to be a quick and inexpensive snack between meals now needs to be carefully thought through. If you want to feed and satisfy the whole family, you have to reach deep into your wallet these days.

But what the heck, sometimes it just has to be a currywurst. We had our last one at what is now probably a genuine Berliner institution, Curry 36 on Mehringdamm in Berlin-Kreuzberg. This place has been around for as long as I can remember, although I couldn't really recall exactly when I ate here. Business seems to be going well, as they have now opened branches in other parts of the city as well. And the Kreuzberg branch was quite busy when we visited, although we soon found ourselves standing at the front of the order counter in no time at all.

Opinions are divided when it comes to the question of with or without casing. In the past, I would have clearly said without, but I have been convinced that with tastes at least as good. Half-and-half is probably best, which either means sharing with someone from your crew or simply going for two sausages. When ordering two, you're definitely on the safe side.

Of course, the fries are also important, as they simply belong with a currywurst. Here at Curry 36, they were just right. Hot and crispy, and just delicious. There was nothing to complain about.

The sauce was simple ketchup, and I guess other stores are probably a bit more advanced in that respect. But with the right curry powder, we had exactly what we wanted on our plates in the end. And as expected, at our table there was nothing left of either the currywurst or the chips.

Even though I wasn't quite full, I was still quite satisfied. Leaving aside the fact that the clientele that huddles around the sausage stall is kinda special, I can still recommend Curry 36 on Mehringdamm. Here you get that pure Berlin feeling, both with the food and the surroundings. This is Berlin, how it lives, and how it eats and tastes, and this is how I will remember it for the time being.

Let's see where and when I can enjoy my next currywurst. It will probably be some different place, which will hopefully pass the test in the same way as Curry 36 in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Hopefully I'll then have something to report again and be able to serve you with a post like this one....



Im 50% Hungarian and the thought of kielbasa without the casing is sinful 😂

Sounds like you've found a slice of home in Curry 36! 🌭 The struggle for good cheese and bread is real, but at least you've got your currywurst fix. Can't wait to hear about your next culinary adventure – keep those taste buds ready! 😄🇩🇪🇯🇵

thank you. fortunately food is quite nice over here in Japan as well. guess I need to talk about that more :)

Damn...your fried chips look too good!

they were delicous

Those fries look crispy! Hope you enjoyed them!

Oh yes, we did :)

I have already tried the currywurst, it is delicious!. I have also tried the currywurst sell in Lidl, it's not bad either but nothing tastes better than something homemade. ✨

Never made currywurst myself, I guess the best ones you get from one of those small shops all over the city. It is fastfood, and a perfect snack for in-between