Hello all food lovers welcome to my another food vlog on my 3Speak channel.
Friends, in winter night we Bengalis love to prepare and eat different kinds of Bengali and traditional food.Chitai pitha and egg pitha are one of them.Chitai pitha with kalijira seed batter/bata and mustard seed batter/bata is a favorite dish of Bengalis.And egg pita is one of the favorite.So last night I went to the kitchen and made chitai pitha in a clay pot.You can see in the video that I ate Chitai Pitha with Kalijira Seed Bata and Mustard Seed Bata.Then I made a Egg Pitha, Egg Pitha is very easy to make, it has to be mixed with Chiti Pitha.In the video you can see the scene of making this egg pitha.This dish is the favorite dish of Bengalis in our country, so I shared it with you.So I invite you to watch today's video and enjoy this moment of fun.
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