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Fotografìa propiedad de la autora. Octubre, 2024
Saludos comunidad #foodiesbeehive
Greetings community #foodiesbeehive
People's tastes vary a lot, I mean too much. Sometimes tastes are so varied that even in the bread we like there are differences.
Thank God there are people who are experts in the bread industry and from there they satisfy the tastes of the people who come to their bakeries every day.
Within the variety that exists, tastes change according to the new recipes and combinations made by the experts in the task of making bread.
As the years go by, I consider that my favorite bread is the Bombòn, as we Venezuelans call it, some with sugar, others with a coconut surface. They smell delicious.

In the years that are always remembered for the harshness as we were treated in the economy, that affected all aspects of the life of every family, not even the flour for the bakers to continue making bread, thanks to the years that have passed has improved a little and the vast majority have been able to manage a budget for a food allowed in addition to small tastes such as the bonbon for snack, at least once a week.
This type of sweet bread, not so sweet, a little toasted on its cover, the sugar gives it a special taste, this bonbon does not go out of fashion, it goes from generation to generation. It was something like obligatory to go to the bakery to buy the salty bread and the bag of bonbon as the ideal sweet.

Nowadays, the bakeries near my house have improved in the production of bread, so also in the bonbon, for reasons of economic cuts they didn't have that nice taste and sometimes it seems that they didn't bake them as they should was something like this: don't buy bonbon there, the other ones have more taste.
In spite of so much cruelty with the salaries, there are mechanisms for the common citizen to get a little more money than he gets in his paycheck and this has made that places like bakeries have resurged. Most of us enjoy sharing a cup of coffee in a busy place.

I love to eat a sugary bombòm with a good coffee with milk that feels creamy and without sugar, if it is not made in the bakery it is made at home. Besides the memories we treasure with a bonbon during our high school days. Those who lived that experience know what I'm talking about (in those days it was with Pepsi cola).
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