A Culinary Delight with Chalaw Kabab and Friends

Hello everyone
Back to you guys with another post related to food. As I told you before in my previous posts that we usually go out for dinner twice a month with our friends so, yesterday night we went for the dinner with our friends. I ordered 'Chalaw Kabab' and my friends ordered different dishes for themselves. The taste of the food was really delicious and I really enjoyed the gathering with my friends. It is necessary for a men and women to visit at least once in a month, in this way there mind will become fresh and you can spend your days great in a best way.

...Pictures are Edited in Canva...


wah g wah kya baat he.
Challa Kabab is looking awesome.
nice post dear.


You made me drool with that barbecue, and hungry too! Greetings from the Philippines!


I love kebab but I never eat this kind of kebab must be yummy 😋😍

Yeah it was yummy😋

Kabab with white rice is just perfect combo which I always want to eat.


Wow, the food looks delicious! I feel hungry when I see it. Enjoy eating!

Yeah it was really delicious😋