Today's menu is risol mayo or risoles mayonnaise. Because I'm still an amateur, I just use materials that are easy to find.
The ingredients are easily available and it's not difficult to make.
This recipe makes 15 pieces of risol
Risol wrapper :
• 250 g of Wheat flour
• 1 Eggs
• Oil
• Water
Risol filling:
• 4 Boiled egg
• 1 sachet Mayonnaise
• 12 pieces of Sausage
Make the risol filling:
- Boil 4 eggs for 7 minutes or adjust according to your taste.
- Once cooked and cooled peel and cut into small pieces 3.
- Mix with mayonnaise
- Fry the sausage in a finger shape
- Set aside
Make the risol wrappers:
- 250 g of wheat flour is put into a container
- Add cooking oil into the flour
- Add enough water
- Add a pinch of salt
- Stir well until smooth
- Take 1 ladle of liquid batter, then make a thin omelette on the pan. Do this until the batter runs out and then leave a small bowl of batter for the dipping ingredients later.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3, 4, 5
Step 6
After finishing making the bundle, it's time to fill the risol with the filling ingredients that have been made earlier.
- Prepare the risoles wrapper then add the filling
- Roll the dough then glue it with water at the end.
- Mix with the remaining wet dough and mix it into the bread flour
- Heat oil for frying
- Cook the risol until cooked
- Risol Mayonnaise is ready to be served
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Ready to eat
Thank you, let's cooking! Happy weekend