Let's show you an easy and delicious cooking recipe today. . Hopefully, people of almost all countries can eat this dish. Ha ha ha But the funny thing is, if you don't get food, you are bound to eat the food that you give to a person.
Necessary Materials:
- Boiled eggs.
- Onions.
- Garlic paste.
- Chilli powder.
- Turmeric powder.
- Green chillies.
- Salt.
- Tater.
- Coriander leaf sprigs
- Sprigs of mint leaves.
- Oil.
- Heat oil in a pan and add a little salt and fry the chopped onions well.
- Onion kunchi will become like this color. You have to stir it for some time.
- After that, stir in the garlic batter as much as the onion slices.
- After stirring the onion and garlic batter for some time, add the sliced boiled eggs to the pan.
- After stirring for some time, I added mint leaves.
- After adding mint leaves, stir the chopped coriander leaves in the pan.
- After that the cooking will come to such a state.
- Then shake well and mix.
- Cover with a lid for some time.
- You can see the color coming out when you lift the lid.
- In this way, you will see the salt by stirring it for some time. If it doesn't take a day, leave it. It is not right to keep the broth for frying eggs like this.
- You can sit with white rice or pollau. A very delicious recipe. A favorite dish of Bengalis. You can also cook this way if you want.