Hello dear community, I am here again, to share with you a fairly easy, but very delicious recipe, ideal for people who, like me, are trying to lose weight by following a ketogenic diet (KETO), eliminating the consumption of carbohydrates. (carbohydrates), and increasing the consumption of fats and protein.
The preparations I make are adapted to what I like to eat, perhaps you don't like or dislike some of the ingredients I use, the ideal in this case would be that you can replace it with another food of your choice or eliminate it. of preparation, so you can add your personal touch.
Pechuga Al horno con Vegetales Salteados / Baked Breast with Sautéed Vegetables

•Pechuga de pollo
•Cebolla blanca
•Aceite de Oliva
•Especias (Pimienta, pimentón rojo en polvo, orégano)
• Chicken breast
• Eggplant
• Peppers
• White onion
• Carrot
• Olive Oil
• Spices (Pepper, red paprika powder, oregano)
• Mustard
• Salt

Preparación / Preparation
In a clean container, place the chicken breast, add 3 tablespoons of olive oil, salt (to taste), mustard and spices, mix.
They place the breast in a pan, I like to put onion, parsley and garlic on top (but it is optional), then they put it in the oven for 30 minutes at 200°F.

Cut the vegetables into julienne strips and place the carrot and paprika in a frying pan with olive oil over a medium flame until they soften a little, then place the eggplant and finally the onion, season with salt and pepper and cook for 5 minutes with the low flame.

I hope you are encouraged to prepare it, since it is a quick and easy recipe to make, for those days when we are short on time. Thanks for reading me, A hug, Rossi!

I will be uploading more recipes of what I eat daily, if you have any questions or queries about the ketogenic diet, do not hesitate to write to me, I will be attentive.