After I made preserves, I worked on making a cider. Figured it would be a good idea to make a few things with the apples. I still have another jar of apple sauce, and a jar of apple preserves. So it was perfect to use the rest to make some cider. Honestly I do not know if I ever had cider before. So this could be a whole new experience for me.
I really like my apple sauce, but its possible I will start making more of this if I like it.
We start off straining out the juice from apples that have gone through a food processor. I wrap the apple mash in cheese cloth and then get the juices out while keeping the mash in the cloth. At this point I could have stopped and just drank the juice, but we are going to do more with it.
The mash left over I have no idea what to do with it. Could be cool use it in some kind of pastry. But this time it just ended up being waste.
I pour the juice in a sauce pan and start heating it. We add cinaamon and clove to it for flavor.
Eventually the color changes to more of a cream. Most of the water is cooked off.
Oh man my cooktop is so dirty, please dont judge me :-P
We finish the cider by pouring it into a mason jar for consumption. About half or three quarters of the water has been cooked off.
So how does it taste? Really good! I am amazed no sugar was added, yet it was so sweet. I think I am going to try some of the apple juice next time to compare, but it was really cool trying out making apple cider. Thanks to those who recommended it.
Previous posts on my apple creations: