La decisión mas difícil que he tomado fue decir que comer en Wok. Un restaurante que fusiona toda la comida de la cultura asiática en un solo restaurante. Es decir, la decisión de comer Poké, o comer Sushi, o comer Ramen, muy, muy difícil.
Este excelente restaurante fue otra de los sitios que visité en Bogotá, el pasado agosto. En esta oportunidad, fuimos recomendados, nos dijeron que allí comeríamos rico y así fue. Tuvimos que hacer una fila como de media hora, para poder ingresar al cotizado restaurante. Después del tiempo de espera, pudimos entrar y ver qué decidíamos comer. Al final me decidí por un bowl de Poké que estaba buenísimo,
Lo que más me gustó, a parte de su sabor es que tenía un ingrediente muy particular: mango verde, subió el.plato a un nivel superior. Estaba muy rico.
Para acompañar, y como estábamos de celebración, pedimos una botella de sake para completar la experiencia. Pensé que iba a ser más potente, pero un persona como yo, que tiene experiencia en bebidas fuertes, puede aguantar esta bebida con mucha resistencia. Aunque al rato empecé a sentir que se me subía a la cabeza. Jajaja.
Me disfruté de esta experiencia, aún más porque estaba compartiendo con buenos amigos que he hecho en Hive. ¿Díganme, conocen a los personajes que aparecen en la última foto?
The hardest decision I have ever made was to say what to eat at Wok. A restaurant that fuses all the food of Asian culture in one restaurant. That is, the decision to eat Poké, or eat Sushi, or eat Ramen, very, very difficult.
This excellent restaurant was another of the places I visited in Bogota last August. This time, we were recommended, we were told that we would eat well there and so it was. We had to wait in line for about half an hour to get into the restaurant. After the waiting time, we were able to enter and see what we decided to eat. In the end I decided on a Poké bowl that was delicious,
What I liked the most, apart from its taste, was that it had a very particular ingredient: green mango, it took the dish to a higher level. It was very tasty.
To go with it, and as we were celebrating, we ordered a bottle of sake to complete the experience. I thought it was going to be more potent, but a person like me, who has experience with strong drinks, can withstand this drink with a lot of resistance. Although after a while I started to feel like it was going to my head. Hahaha.
I enjoyed this experience, even more because I was sharing with good friends I've made at Hive. Tell me, do you know the characters in the last picture, the black sauce is a Mexican ingredient that I didn't recognize. It said it on the menu but it was something I didn't know so I don't remember it. Sorry.
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- Fotografías realizadas en mi POCO x3 PRO
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