I felt like something different for dinner and I had all the ingredients to make Tacos. Sometimes simple and fun is just what the cook needs after a very busy week.
I cooked up a pound of ground beef with onions and a 1/2 packet of Taco seasoning. Opened a can of diced tomato with chilis, chopped some spring lettuce, and shredded some cheddar cheese. That took all of 10 minutes to do for the filling.
I love the crunchiness of hard taco shells but they tend to fall apart too easily. So I lightly brown a tortilla to warm it up and use it as the outer shell. It works like a charm and makes eating the tacos so much nicer.
I made a side salad since the shells were enough carbs for me for one meal. Actually, more than I should have had but I can treat myself once in a while.
My husband likes creamy dressings on his salad but I always opt for olive oil and red wine vinegar. That is more in line with the Keto-style diet I am using to kick-start dropping some weight this winter.
I have to say, I really enjoyed having the tacos for something different. It had been over a year since I last made them.
I finally finished this winter puzzle. It took forever with all the birch trees and snow. It came with a photo too and I may find a frame to put it in. It is such a peaceful scene to enjoy throughout the winter months. It is still snowing heavily here in western, N.Y. and very cold. I will have to open another puzzle to work on in between my house cleaning.
Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day