Taco Night - A Simple Dinner - by Sunscape

in Foodies Bee Hive24 days ago


I felt like something different for dinner and I had all the ingredients to make Tacos. Sometimes simple and fun is just what the cook needs after a very busy week.


I cooked up a pound of ground beef with onions and a 1/2 packet of Taco seasoning. Opened a can of diced tomato with chilis, chopped some spring lettuce, and shredded some cheddar cheese. That took all of 10 minutes to do for the filling.


I love the crunchiness of hard taco shells but they tend to fall apart too easily. So I lightly brown a tortilla to warm it up and use it as the outer shell. It works like a charm and makes eating the tacos so much nicer.


I made a side salad since the shells were enough carbs for me for one meal. Actually, more than I should have had but I can treat myself once in a while.


My husband likes creamy dressings on his salad but I always opt for olive oil and red wine vinegar. That is more in line with the Keto-style diet I am using to kick-start dropping some weight this winter.


I have to say, I really enjoyed having the tacos for something different. It had been over a year since I last made them.


I finally finished this winter puzzle. It took forever with all the birch trees and snow. It came with a photo too and I may find a frame to put it in. It is such a peaceful scene to enjoy throughout the winter months. It is still snowing heavily here in western, N.Y. and very cold. I will have to open another puzzle to work on in between my house cleaning.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

3- sun smile.jpg


Very colourful and attractive food!
The snow seems to come too much this month! That’s a very difficult puzzle you did! I would never be able to do this kind of puzzle! The pieces all look the same to me!

I still have a lot more snow falling down and more to come this week. The snowy horse puzzle was pretty hard but I pushed through until it was finished.

More snow to come! The snow has been to persistent and stubborn!

Love your jigsaw puzzle! What a lovely thing to be working on!

Thanks Pam, that puzzle was so hard with the monochrome colors.

The next one is an ocean and lighthouse that looks like it will be hard too. My niece bought it for me for Christmas.

Parece delicioso!
Me gustaría probarlo algún día.

Thank you, they were delicioso!

When I see your taco's I told to myself it's delicious. And I'm craving for it now. It's been few months I didn't crave for taco's. A big and nice puzzle.

The tacos were tasty and nice to have for a change.

Yes! You're taco's looks delicious.

Tacos looks sooo delicious, very juicy, nice to have fun and enjoy.

Thanks, we did enjoy having tacos for dinner.