Did I Just Find an Easter Egg?

in Foodies Bee Hive5 years ago (edited)

Yesterday, I spent 10,000 FOODIE to buy a pizza to lay foundation to Foodie's own FOODIE PIZZA DAY a la Bitcoin Pizza Day.

By the way, Bitcoin took 4 days to get converted to pizza in 2010 but my 10,000 FOODIE were converted into pizza within 3 days.Foodies are quicker! :)

Now I was looking to mine / earn 10,000 FOODIE (as my pizza is already digested by now 😜). So I remembered this contest post by @foodiesunite with a 10000 FOODIE reward and checked it again. It seemed that no one has claimed those 10,000 FOODIE yet. So I'm giving it a try.

After a long search (that included several Ken), I found the Easter Egg in @alexvanaken's following post:

So lemme quickly post this one and complete all other rules. Let's see if I can get 10000 FOODIE. It will be awesome, if I can. It would be like having my FOODIE and my Pizza both at the same time. LOL!

So nothing to lose for trying it.

Wish me luck!


Congrats @xyzashu you were the only Foodie to find the Easter Egg. You will be rewarded with 10,000 FOODIE !!!!

That's an awesome news. Thank you for this huge reward!