Pescado frito con sabor de hogar [Esp-Eng] / Fried fish with a taste of home [Esp-Eng]

in Foodies Bee Hivelast year



Llego el fin de semana y quise preparar un almuerzo distinto el día domingo para mi familia para ello mi esposo compro pescado en el mercado uno para cada uno de los miembro de la familia. Un alimento que provee de muchos beneficios para la salud es rico en vitaminas y minerales, así como es una importante fuente de Omega 3 y además es muy delicioso. Generalmente lo acompañan con ensalada y arroz, una excelente combinación para degustarlo si embargo cada quien es libre de consumirlo como mejor le guste. También existe diferente forma de preparar, hoy traigo la nuestra así que comencemos.

The weekend arrived and I wanted to prepare a different lunch on Sunday for my family, for this my husband bought fish at the market, one for each of the family members. A food that provides many health benefits, it is rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as being an important source of Omega 3 and is also very delicious. They usually accompany it with salad and rice, an excellent combination to taste it, however everyone is free to consume it as they like. There is also a different way to prepare, today I bring ours so let's get started.



  • 4 pescados enteros.
  • ½ Taza Harina de maíz
  • ½ litro de Aceite vegetal
  • Adobo al gusto
  • Condimentos preparados al gusto (ajo en polvo, curri, comino, entre otros)
  • Sal al gusto


  • 4 whole fish.
  • 1/2 cup cornmeal
  • 1/2 liter of vegetable oil
  • Marinade to taste
  • Condiments prepared to taste (garlic powder, curry, cumin, among others)
  • Salt to taste




1.Lo primero es lavar con abundante agua el pescado previamente limpiada sus escamas. Iniciamos a condimentar el pescado, con sal adobo y condimentos preparados. Continuamos a empanizar el pescado pasándolo por la harina de maíz


  1. The first thing to do is to wash the fish with plenty of water after cleaning its scales. We start seasoning the fish, with salt, marinade and prepared seasonings. We continue to bread the fish by passing it through the corn flour


2.Colocamos un sartén lo suficientemente grande el medio litro de aceite, y dejamos calentar. Una vez caliente el sartén, procedemos a freír, vamos a dejarlo hasta que este dorado para luego voltearlo y seguir dorando por el otro lado.

2.Place a frying pan large enough for half a liter of oil, and let it heat. Once the pan is hot, we proceed to fry, we are going to leave it until it is golden and then flip it over and continue browning on the other side.


3.Sacamos el pescado cuando este dorado por ambos lados y lo dejamos reposar en un plato.

3.Remove the fish when it is golden brown on both sides and let it rest on a plate


4.Listo es momento de servirlo, lo podemos acompañar con papa frita, arepa, ensalada y un rico jugo natural.

4.Ready, it's time to serve it, we can accompany it with chips, arepa, salad and a rich natural juice


¡Buen provecho!

Enjoy your meal!


En mi caso, a mi hijo mayor no le agrada el pescado y se le preparo cuadrito de pollo frito para que nos acompañara, al contrario de mi hijo menor que si se degusto su plato acompañado de ensalada de zanahoria sin aderezó, con papa frita, arepitas y jugo.

In my case, my eldest son doesn't like fish and a square of fried chicken was prepared for him to accompany us, unlike my youngest son who tasted his dish accompanied by carrot salad without dressing, with french fries, arepitas and juice.

Una delicia, espero lo disfruten! como lo disfruto mi familia

A delight, hope you enjoy it! How my family enjoyed it

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-07 at 5.02.22 PM.jpeg


Contenido: Original del Autor.
Imágenes: Originales tomadas con mi teléfono
Recursos: Computador y teléfono infinix hp 10
Programa: Canva, Polish y Microsoft powerpoint
Traducido con traductor google
Todos los Derechos Reservados: @yohanna1

Content: Original by the Author.
Images: Originals taken with my phone
Resources: Computer and phone infinix hp 10
Program: Canva, Polish and Microsoft powerpoint
Translated with google translator
All Rights Reserved: @yohanna1


Uff este plato se ve realmente delicioso. El pescado frito sería mi forma favorita de comerlo, siento que de esta manera se realza su sabor.

Hola! @rosana6 la verdad que quedo súper delicioso

I love fish however they serve it, fried, in soup, stewed, breaded, I love its flavor. That fish looks really delicious. Everything done with love is more enjoyable.

Hello! @neilamarcano, I'm glad you like fish in all its presentations, thanks for sharing

I'm from the east of the country, I'm surrounded by the beach, I was born almost swimming hahaha, I love fish