i love to learn new recipe but when i get time , i try my best to learn new recipe.one of my friend anwar khan informed me about one delicious recipe , but when i came to know about this recipe . i tried it at home but at that time i have no complete ingredient but my first try was awesome and my recipe prepared very much delicious. but today i have full ingredient and i tried to cook the Makhadi halwa at my home.Makhadi halwa is very much unique and taste recipe . best expert chef cook it on the wedding event. Makhadi halwa recipe is not very much expensive but need great effor to prepare it. here i would like to share the ingredeints detail that are very much necssary to use at the time of cooking Makhadi halwa.
it is bhaki khoya ingredeint , it is also known as burfi khoya
it is Semolina flour and i added two cup in init , we will add water that sink the all semonlina flour as you can see in the picture
all ingredients are very much simple and common, all ingredients are use in every day and avaiable in every kitchen .
2 cup sugar
Cooking oil (one cup)
Semolina flour (2 cup )
dry fruits , peanuts, cocnut,kashmash,almond, melon and water melon seed
water 2 cups
bhakha khoya (Burfi)
two eggs
one cup milk (250ml)
it is eggs and milk mixutre, i mixed the eggs into milk .
Simple Method to Cook Makhadi Halwa
First we will fire the wood for cooking the Makhadi Halwa .we will take kurri pot. we will add cooking oil in pot , and will mix sugar in the cooking oil. we will melt the sugar till geting its color brown. when sugar color will turn into brown color then we will add soaked Semolina flour into melted sugar. we will mix the soked Semolina flour into melted sugar then we will cook it till the all soaked flour get color brown. then we will add eggs and milk mixture into the brown material, we will cook it 5 mints, then we will add Burfi khoya or phakha khoya into the brown cooked semolina then we will add all rest of dry fruits. we will cooked all this ingredients till cook them more. now our Makhadi Halwa is ready to serve the guest. i am saying that it was one of the delicious Makhadi Halwa that i prepared cook at home . hope you all will enjoy this delicious recipe of Makhadi Halwa.
i love to eat this Makhadi Halwa with milk tea at evening tea time.
Thank you so much for reading and watching my this vlog and blog. if you like my this recipe or need to get ask any point, i am avaiable and you can write in comments.
thank you so much .
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