Ich könnte sagen 2024 war ein Scheissjahr - war es auch aber man muss damit klar kommen :-)
Eventuell der langweiligste Post in History, den ich je abgesetzt habe auf dieser Blockchain - Psychologen erklären mir bestimmt (hoffentlich) warum und wie das so rüberkommt :-)
Might be a bit boring for most of you to read this - just some insights and visuals from a tough year 2024
Guess what that view is only :-) - curious to hear your thoughts - maybe @jaki01 can guess that?
Change of life?
Some of my closer friends here know my private life changes at the moment - not all for the good - not going in to detail as too private but I have a different view now within my house, I have a daughter that learns Basketball which is great - I learned the hard way how strange German education system is these days with my daughter.
I had my Mom over here for the first time since 5 years and learned how different family opinions are within different generations.
Private life - challenging
Had a great youth, good education - received love by family. After the usual life stages moved someehere else - found fun and also love, founded a family - but love can end - that is life. So I am dealing with changes here - good stuff I have the best daughter in life which is the only reason I am staying in the city i am living right now - she struggles with German stupid education system but what is fun for both of us to see her growing interest in sports.
And I had /have to learn to cook anything by myself which is not related to pasta, meat lol - bothering you a bit with this amateur photography I know :-) - this is becoming a challenge but helps to increase my creativity.
Business life challenging
I have a great job, since studies always had great jobs from junior to senior / exec management within baking, tech and marketing and still enjoy it even changes are coming and more pressure from external investors - something we know also from this community, right?
Hive life - oh well
I think we do pretty good even not many know us - we can do more but as a decentralized community we can not install our CEO/CMO as a face to the public - we can improve details about our chain to be accessable a bit more visible within our frontends
That is it for today, a boring personal post - hope you do not mind. I miss my motivation to do more music and photography - might be a thing getting older - or is it a burnout :-)?