hello hivers!
It was great day to participate in our week#183 contest!so good luck ladies!☺️
Well, i just wanted to share my entry hope you had a time to read this!☺️
So, i've choose one of the questions which is..
"What was the last photo you took? share it with us and tell the story behind it."
To share with you everyone,about the last photo that I've been taken was this kind of food...
To tell you what is it? yes of course you know it already because it was already on my title 😂
My grand father took this Banana blossoms or commonly known here in the Philippines as "Puso ng Saging" Since we are glad that we have a lot of banana tree in the backyard.I made this like a patty I chopped it into a very small pieces and add some all purpose flour, 2 pieces of eggs 🥚 🥚 and seasonings like salt🧂, black pepper and onion🧅
I mix all the ingredients like this! as easy as that ☺️✅
And I fry it into a medium heat of fire until it was cooked. I shape it like a patty. and yes it was yummy 😋
Then i made some of dip like this!It was a vinegar with onion and salt and pepper to taste.
Do you know that the vinegar is also made of banana? 🍌 yes, my partner said when he buy it in the store they said that they made it from the banana.
Although there's a lot thing that you can get and make in a banana so you are lucky if you have a banana tree ❤️☺️ so I hope i get you some idea💡
I also wanna try to make a vinegar from it, hope i can make it! 😋
that's all for today's talk's.
have a great day ahead!
Keep hydrated!