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RE: Snaps Container // 1742215680

in Snapsyesterday

It is so interesting that you accuse me of being hypersensitive, Acidyo. If I choose to be difficult with you, you will know.

So, there is a post. It gets DVed. No comment yet exists. Author may or may not make a comment to UV. That's the mechanical problem as I understand it.


A comment isn't too hard to come to existence if you ask them after you downvote followed with a short explanation as to why. Yeah dunno, not interested in discussing things with you in the future if this is how you go about things.

Listen... if God or my earthly father didn't want to talk with me, that would be a problem. You, sir, not wanting to talk with me after catching an attitude because I wouldn't instantly tell you how great your idea is, but had mere questions?