A busy day with tasks to do, cutting flowers and decorating bamboo trees.

in Ecency7 months ago

Hello everyone, today I woke up early and continued working in the garden. Yesterday, I planted some black pepper plants. Today, there are still many plants left to plant in the ground. In any case, it must be finished before the rainy season arrives. Because if it rains, the soil will be too moist, and planting may not be very effective. While I was planting the black pepper plants, I couldn't help but notice the soil in the chicken coop. I thought the soil in the chicken coop looked very fertile, so I tried mixing the soil from the chicken coop with the soil for planting black pepper.

When the black pepper planting is finished, water the black pepper plant and it is finished with the mission of planting black pepper plants that the agriculture has given me. It is time to turn to take care of other types of plants. Today, I decided to peel bamboo shoots in the garden and prepare them for cooking my favorite menu tomorrow and send them to my mother who lives on Koh Phangan. Being able to go out and do gardening like this, I think it feels very good. I get to exercise and be close to nature, making my body strong and, most importantly, I get to see the results of what I planted.

Lunch break with my wife. Today's menu is simple food. Stir-fried pork with curry paste, clear soup with tofu. Very delicious.
After lunch, let's go back to work. While cutting bamboo shoots, my eyes glanced at the pineapple tree that I planted 3 years ago. Now it has fruit! The bright yellow pineapple looks very delicious. So I quickly climbed up and picked one to try. The sweet and sour taste is really refreshing. In addition to pineapples, there are also passion fruit vines that grow around the trees to provide shade. The deep yellow passion fruit looks equally delicious. The sweet and sour taste is refreshing. It really quenches your thirst. After cutting the bamboo shoots, I peeled them and prepared them for my favorite dishes. I also collected duck and chicken eggs.
It feels really good to be close to nature, to use physical strength, and most importantly, to see the produce that we grow with our own eyes. It makes me feel very proud and happy.


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