Chilies - Mauritians love it spicy!

in Ecencylast year

This is something deep in the Mauritian culture...

Chilies are always present in our kitchen...

Be it red ones or green, even purple or black...raw or dried...long or small... you will always find chilies in some sort in a Mauritian kitchen.

Most of our local dishes are a little bit spicy to begin with...

Here at my place, in our small garden just next to my house, my mum is the one taking care of the chili plants!

She is the one who planted the chili plants some months back and now we can pick up some chilies on a daily basis!

Different Chili varieties…

She planted couple of different varieties (they are all very spicy btw!!!) and right now we have the green ones, black spotted ones and the purple ones!

Not a big fan of chilies though!!!

I am personally not a chili lover as such, I only love my food to be mild, not that spicy that burn your mouth and tongue!

So yeah...Mauritians love their foods spicy!

How about you!?

Do you like it spicy or not!?
Looking forward to read from you.

Wish you well!