I was today years old when I learned that bergamot is a citrus!
My daughter visited us this weekend. Every time she comes over I do my best to make her visit eventful and unforgettable. I have a list of todos and fill it with new interesting locations - beautiful viewpoints, historical landmarks, charming cafes with the food she likes, and just funny places. But she always comes just for 2 days - coming on Saturday morning and leaving on Sunday evening. My always-so-busy little sunshine.
This weekend was supposed to be different. She was going to come on Friday and stay for 3 days! I was thrilled and so much looked forward to it. But she got sick at the very last moment. She felt so bad that she went to see a doctor - this happens when things are bad. The doctor prescribed her injections and pills, and she felt a little better the next day. So she took the night train and came to see us! She wanted to catch up with Nick her stepfather while he was in Kyiv. And me of course 😊 but I will not go anywhere.

We strolled around the town as usual, and I was going to show her a popular rooftop cafe with a lovely summer terrace overlooking the city center but it was crowded and we didn't like the idea of standing in the line. So we went to a familiar place with one of the best desserts I ever tasted.
Citrus Flower
We were advised to try a new menu item released on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the cafe - the Cirtus Flower. This cake combines the flavors of several citrus fruits, which blooms look like this white flower, but the taste is different. 5 petals each with a different citrus taste in total.
We asked them to pack the cakes for us, and they gave us a paper flower-hint with a description of which citrus is in which petal. The largest grapefruit petal served as the beginning. The rest were Yuzu or Japanese citron, Lime, Kalamansi Mandarin and ... Bergamot. What?? Bergamot? What it has to do with citruses? Isn't it a ... herb?
We were all greatly surprised. But Google confirmed that it is a citrus.😅
I love tea with bergamot and this is the only usage that I am aware of. Probably, this makes me think that it is a herb all my life.
Bergamot is rarely used in a raw form because its peel and pulp contain a large amount of essential oils. The latter makes it popular in aromatherapy and cosmetology. But not only that. In France, Italy and Turkey, traditional marmalade is made from bergamot. In cooking, its essence is used as a flavoring and spice.

I wonder - did you know?
And what is your favorite citrus?
Looking forward to your comments 🙂