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RE: Some More Beautiful Silver from Mexico

in Silver Gold Stackers18 days ago

It's unfortunate that so many places have become unsafe to visit due to all of the wars and things like that. I really wish I could see certain parts of the world, but I have kind of resigned myself to the fact that is ever going to happen in the current political climate.


Same here! I would love to visit Istanbul for all of the history, but it's just not the safest place to travel as an American. Even Ecuador has gotten risky and that used to be a great place to visit. Some lawmakers there would like the US to step in and help secure the country, I hope we don't step in that quagmire. I have a feeling things in the world will only be getting worse over the next couple of decades, sadly.

I agree with you on Istanbul. I have always wanted to visit that part of the world, but for the immediate future it is a great big nope!