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RE: California legalization Copper Round

I am not in the Stackers club. They want people to be really active on discord and such and with my chronic illnesses/disabilities I just don't have the cognitive energy for that.To an able bodied person these things are easy but just not possible for me because of my limitations, not motivation.

I agree if alcohol is legal and cannabis isn't...make it make sense.

This is a coin I have an extra of so if you DM me a mailing address I can send you one. !BBH


I'm not active on the Discord, and I made it! I think you could too! Energy issues I understand all too well. Next time just put it under SGS and see what happens!

Cannabis really only got banned because of the alcohol industry, competition isn't good for business. I will take you up on that! How are you doing?

More like the prohibition cops needed something else to do but yeah. Duponts also had a huge part in it. . the Dupont company went hardcore on reefer madness as well because hemp was a direct competitor to a new product they had-nylon. It truly was a conspiracy. Newspaper industry involved as well because fear sells.