This game is so good

Final Fantasy 7 was one of my favorite games growing up. I remember spending so many hours playing that game and just exploring every inch of the game map. I can't even imagine how many hours I put into that game back then. There was just so much to do. The Chocobo racing was a ton of fun and a great way to break up the gameplay.

The Final Fantasy 7 Remake was ok. It didn't have the nostalgia that I was hoping for when I tried it. I think I put about 8 hours into that game before I decided to move onto something else. FF7 came out in 1997 and since then, they have released so many other Final Fantasy games, and none of them really caught my attention. I am no longer a fan of the turn based combat and some of the newer games that have tried different ways to do combat were not interesting to me at all. Then Final Fantasy 16 came along.

The combat in FF16 is more action oriented and reminds me a lot of the Devil May Cry series with its over the top action and combos. It is fast paced and a lot of fun.

The boss fights are insane. They have many different stages to them and they seamlessly go between the actions and cut scenes mid battle. As you are fighting these massive bosses, they have quick time events where you have to push a button in a certain amount of time to either evade, parry, or attack.

The music during these fights is on a whole nother level than other games that are out there. The music in the Final Fantasy games have always been great, but this one really knows how to get your blood pumping.

The graphics in this game are incredible. There is always so much going on during the fights, but it never distracts from the actual game. It also runs extremely smooth, which is nice because a lot of these new super flashy games suffer from slowdowns and choppy animations, but this game isn't one of them. There are a few times when I have noticed lower frame rates, but it was never to a point where it would make me not want to play and it only lasted for a second or two.

One of my favorite parts of the Final Fantasy games is when you can summon large magical creatures to aid you in battle. In this game, you actually get to control those massive creatures and fight with them, and those battles are epic.

The story of this game is pretty interesting as well. You are basically a member of a royal family that lost all of your royal titles and were sold off into slavery. Now you are fighting to find out who you are and save lots of people along the way. That is pretty much the barebones of the story without giving anything away.

I am almost 40 hours or so into the game and I am really enjoying it. I only play for about 2-3 hours a day when I do play, so it is nice that this game is holding my attention, even though I am playing in little chunks at a time. It is hard for these larger RPGs to be able to do that.

If you are a fan of the Final Fantasy series and have been thinking about getting this game, I highly recommend it. I picked it up at about 40% off and I don't regret getting it at that price point. I think I may be close to halfway through with the game, so I am definitely getting my money's worth with this one.