Hello everyone, It's me again @suteru your farming buddy.
Today I'm gonna show you how we dig treasure that we eat.
During the weekend we decided to cook " Ginataan " , it is a Filipino dish filled with different root crops and different fruits.
So today I'll share how we gather one of the main ingredients the purple yam or locally called Ube. There are a lot of variety of Ube but the one that my mother planted was the Diket Variety, this variety are long and they grow vertically on the ground. And for that reason we plant them on slope areas.
My mother was the one who found the Ube, since she is the one who planted them. And my job was to harvest them.
Here is my mother taking a breather after finding the Ube that I will Dig.
Taking them out on the ground was a hard task since they grow vertically going deeper on the ground. So I needed a Grab Hoe to clear more soil, and so I dug it up slowly revealing some parts of it.
All my muscles are put to test, go self you can do it.
I thought it was just this long , but as I continued to dig I still cant find it's tip, so I continued digging I could just cut it and just get what was exposed but we don't waste food here so I have to dig it up until I reach the bottom
A slender one, wondering how deep did he go.
So I just continued, the grab hoe sure did made it less tiring, with every strike to the soil more dirt is removed , revealing more part of the Ube. We dug for almost an hour since I also have to take a rest. The weather here in the Philippines is pretty hot, even in the shade the heat can be exhausting.
And after almost an hour, I finally reached the bottom.
My trophy, this variety can grow as big as my legs, specially when planted in softer soil .
Maybe, It was almost 5 feet long and more than 5 Kilogram. Seeing this thing gave me fulfillment since we were able to dug it out in one piece. Thanks to our mother for planting this ,now we have a free Ingredient for our mirienda.
Now this is one of the reason why I want to get back into farming and plant our own food. It's very rewarding and it's a good feeling to harvest what you planted.
So this is it for own treasure digging, hehe .
PS. Of course we enjoyed the Ginataan that we prepared, it was tasty. It's a worth it reward for all the sweat that dripped digging the Ube.
Thanks for visiting my Blog, Have a good day.
I'll see you in the next one!