If you are from Norway this game won't be any fun but if you aren't, I am sure you will eventually look it up on a search engine.
When I was holding it in my hand I could kind of tell what it was, but seeing as how my friends are a bunch of jokers at times I thought there was a good chance that this gift was a gag and it was going to be disgusting.

I opened it up late at night not knowing what to expect but my Norwegian friend pronounced the name of it and it sounds just like it would appear it would sound on the wrapper "Quick Lunch" is what it sounds like when spoken and Norwegian and I neglected to ask if these are real words in Norway or if they are just copying the English words. Almost anyone under the age of 55 speaks English in Norway, so it could go either way.
That's kind of a fun little tidbit of how an education system can actually work for a country. The older people I meet from Norway normally speak anywhere from "fuck all" English to barely understandable English. But basically everyone that is under 50 is fluent, the kids I meet are already completely fluent even though they are just kids and learning English is a regular part of their daily education. As someone that doesn't have much faith in government education I found this quite refreshing. The next generation of Norwegians are going to be able to travel anywhere because everyone speaks the global language. Now if they can just manage to not try to overdo it and do something silly like think they can speak everything just because they speak 2 of them.
Back to the picture of the "quick lunch." Basically, it is just a Kit Kat bar. I mean, it tastes exactly the same to the point that it wouldn't surprise me if they are made in the same factory and just change out the little indentations that they do on the top of the chocolate. I like Kit Kat but am not much of a candy eater. I also can't imagine anyone considering chocolate covered cookie wafers to be a lunch. Most of the Norwegians that I have met are pretty damn healthy so I doubt that many of the people do consider it as such.
In USA we would probably have a court order telling this company that they are not allowed to call a candy bar "lunch" and I hate that about my country of origin. Nobody with an IQ above that of a baked good would ever think that a candy bar is a lunch even though we had those Snickers commercials stating that a Snickers will quench your hunger. I guess it does, but in the worst way possible. It would be like drinking gravy for a meal.
If you ever encounter a Kvikk Lunsj, buy it. I think it is great.