Hello every one,I just want to share with you our delicious lunch of green vegetables with a little bit of meat.It’s so yummy as long as vegetable taste great,especially if they’re fresh.It’s true what they say as long as something is planted and something is harvest.Anytime we want to cook vegetables,ther are always around.we can save as long as we plant vegetables around.you don’t need to go the market to buy.You can eat vegetables as lon as you plant around in your house you can harvest anytime.The soup is really delicious as long as it is freshly harvested,specially organic without chemical.This kind of vegetables Is so very delicious are so delicious especially in the rainy season,you can eat more.Now let’s eat all.
SPINACH-is a leafy green vegetables that has many healt benefits.It’s high in vitamins,mineral and antioxidant.So it’s not joke spinach is a delicious vegetables,especially pickled with meat,soysouce,vinegar and also a pinch of sugar.so yummy!
SPONGE GUARD-is also a good vegetables,this fragrant vegetables.The smell is appetizing.This is rich in dietary fibre,vitamins(A,B,C complex)This Filipino dishes that make use of the ingredients.You can’t imagine that this vegetables is so delicious.
CHATOTE-this vegetables is also delicious,it is usually added to stew chicken.It is also delicious stir-fried with sardines,It can also added to pancit,chopsuey or spring vegetables.It is cruchcy,especially halp-cooked.very delicious too.
ALUGBATI/MALABAR SPINACH-many people don’t like this vegetable.because it’s slippey to eat.But it has many benefits,if we research it.It’s easy to plant and grow.It’s also delicious in salads.
MORINGA/LOCALLY KNOWN AS MALUNGGAY-this vegetables has many benefits.It is also a delicious ingredients in chicken stew,It is not lost to those who like to cook vegetables.There are many more delicious vegetables that have many benefits and can only be found around especially those who love to plant.THAT’S ALL!
Have a wonderful day everyone.I hope you have a good day today because the weather is very nice,