Hello everyone.😊 This post, I take everyone to see my garden and kitchen again. April is another month where I don't travel and I'm mostly at home with my family. Right now I'm not growing any new vegetables. The vegetables in the home garden are only the old vegetables that I planted. And these vegetables can be harvested and cooked.
Right now my wife are quite busy taking care of our son too. The food she cooks is therefore simple food and often seen. Especially, the restaurant with thai food cooked to order. The menu for our family in this post is sausage fried rice with fried egg, stir-fried water convolvulus with oyster sauce.
What vegetables in the home garden did she harvest to cook for this post? Let's go. Most fried rice has vegetables ingredient namely kale. Kale from the home garden is therefore the vegetable that she harvests. My wife also harvests cucumbers to eat fresh cucumbers with fried rice.
Of course, stir-fried water convolvulus with oyster sauce. It must have water convolvulus. And I planted a lot of water convolvulus in the home garden. So she harvested water convolvulus from the garden. And this was her second harvest of water convolvulus.
water convolvulus
It's time to see the food my wife cooks. Enjoy 😋 But this post is not a recipe post as always. Because these foods are easy to make. And many people may have shared them. So I'm just sharing photos of my wife cooking these dishes. I think if you can cook. You will understand how to make these dishes.
First dish : sausage fried rice with fried egg.
sausage fried rice with fried egg.
Second dish : stir-fried water convolvulus with oyster sauce.
stir-fried water convolvulus with oyster sauce.
These are the stories and photos I want to share for this post. Invite everyone to see and enjoy my stories and photos. Have a great day. See you next time. Thank you for your support and visiting my post. Bye 🤗