Assalamualaikum wr wb?
Hello everyone, how are you? I hope you are well wherever you are. On this occasion I will share my recipe, that is, the typical Aceh Plok sauce that many Aceh inhabitants like, of course because this Plok sauce is very delicious, we often prepare this dish when we meet with relatives or relatives, but I do this plok sauce uses fish, we usually cook PLOK sauce with fresh vegetables, there are some vegetables that we collect in the garden and we bought any other place. Only the garden, but today I bought Muyahyd fish because I really wanted to make PLIK soup and see the recipe and how I made my dish for this afternoon, it is very easy and the taste is out of any doubt
- Fish Mujahidín 1kg
- Patarana
- Grated coconut
- Limoncillo
- Green chiles
- Kaffir Lima Leaves
Ground spices
- Purple onion
- Garlic
- Turmeric
- fennel
- Curly chiles
I take a pan and put the fish that I have prepared and add salt to taste then I put the ingredients that I have provided you, then I take the spices that I have ground with a blender and I also put them in the pan that contains the fish and so on. I have prepared it
This is the Patarana that I have made puree and casting because the fine part I will take for my kitchen
And ready, I put the ingredients and the last thing I put is enough coconut milk, I put the heat halfway and I have to wait a few minutes to cook my plate and try it and I see if it still does not have enough salt, it turns out that it is in my mouth and finally my plate is cooked and at noon we turn off the fire the fire
And I prepared a dish to my beloved husband and ate together, the taste was very rich, my husband opened his appetite and me too, that is my review, I hope you like it and thank you very much for going through my post, friends