Hello everyone, Happy New Year! May all my friends be happy and prosperous. The phone rang in the evening. It was a call from a neighbor who is like another family to me, inviting me to a New Year's celebration at their house. At that time, my daughter was there and she heard the message. My daughter was very excited because this was a good opportunity to relax and spend time with friends and relatives.
When I arrived at the event, everything was ready. The big house was decorated with colorful lights. The tall Christmas tree stood out and was beautifully decorated. The dining table was full of various kinds of food. The aroma was enticing throughout the area. I dropped my daughter off at a relative's house and then I drove to the village shop to buy drinks and snacks for everyone to eat together. Unfortunately, today everyone brought gifts. I didn't prepare any gifts. But I have a gift of cash.
The first house party is over. Then I drove to the second house as usual. I drove to buy things at the village shop. I went out to buy drinks and snacks as usual. Then I brought them for the children and everyone to eat. This house is my sister-in-law's house. Today, there was singing and dancing. As for me, I was a viewer. Everyone had a lot of fun in this activity. There was dancing, singing, and the children had a lot of fun. It was a very impressive image. Everyone sat and talked happily and played games and participated in various activities. Most importantly, we shared good stories that happened last year. The atmosphere was warm. We were a big family that came together.
This party was a celebration of New Year's Day and also a reminder of the importance of family friendship. Spending time together is a very special time for me and everyone. Laughter filled the room during the day when everyone was waiting for it, the time to open the presents. The children's eyes were sparkling with happiness. The children ran around excitedly. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation when it was someone's turn to get a present. Some children smiled widely with joy and some children made surprised faces. When they received a new present, everyone seemed to like it very much. The adults laughed excitedly with the hilarious gifts that everyone received. The time to open the presents was the warmest and most memorable time. That night, everyone shared their happiness with each other, making the atmosphere in the house full of love, affection and laughter.
Before going home, I gave 500 baht in cash, all in 20 baht notes, for the children to join in the game activity. When the announcement was made, all the children started laughing. When starting the special activity tonight, it can be called a treasure hunt in the world of 20 baht notes. All the children were excited and listened intently to the rules of the bonus. The rules are very easy. The children just have to line up and guess the items that are prepared. If they guess correctly, they will immediately receive the cash prize. Everyone thought hard and answered the questions quickly. The atmosphere was full of fun and laughter from both children and adults.
When the game ended, all the children received the prize money as agreed. All the children's faces were full of smiles of joy. And then it was time to go home. Everyone received their gifts. Today, I have to go and rest first. Thank you to everyone who has been following my story. See you again next time with new stories about me.
I hope Every People Enjoy New Year