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RE: A sudden day out.


Apart from this, cake fair, music and drama fair are also held here. A fair is seen one by one. Like today was a theater fair.

I'm not aware of such fairs you mentioned but yes, occasional festivals do exist. Maybe it was a theatrical show, not a fair.

Like this picture you can see a small lake where there are many beautiful lotus flowers.

It's not a lake, merely a pond but yes, with beautiful lotus flowers.

Anyway, let me share an interesting thing now, before I was married to my husband when we used to day, we used to come to this place often and used to sit near this pier and talk.

Now there you said it, please it's not a park.

There was a big playground.

Central field that it.


I'm not aware of such fairs you mentioned but yes, occasional festivals do exist. Maybe it was a theatrical show, not a fair.

I have never seen this type of show or program whatever you call it before. But yes, I have heard that there are many types of programs here. Although I went to see some programs earlier. Maybe it was a theatrical show like you said.

It's not a lake, merely a pond but yes, with beautiful lotus flowers.

Thank you for correcting my misconception. I didn't remember the word pond when I was writing the post so I used lake.

Now there you said it, please it's not a park.

In fact, I never once said that this is a park, my dear friend. I know this place is not a park. I took my college lesson from there, so after class ends, we used to go that place and to sit and talk. I think you know that everyone here sits and talks.

Central field that it.

Yes, I forgot.

Btw, it looks like you know the campus well. Are you from around?

For someone graduating from that college, looks like you are a stranger there. Anyway, I hope the place still holds the dazzling beauty it had once. Thank you

I won't say you're wrong about that. I did only my HSC there, and I was not someone who would wander around a lot apart from my classes in the college so the campus itself became a stranger to me. And I guess it's holding more beauty after some days of blocking outsider peoples from going inside.