in Lifescape Tribelast year

Water Spinach or Chinese Spinach is commonly known in the Philippines as “Kangkong” and can be found in almost every town in the Philippines, it can grow in soil but mostly on the water. It’s a leafy green vegetable with an arrow or heart-shaped leaves. It’s one of the most common and popular vegetables at the wet market or even in some supermarkets in the Philippines.
Not only that it can be easily cultivated, as in you almost wouldn’t need to tend to it at all. It just needs a humid or wet environment and ‘viola, it can sustain and multiply itself. It also offers various health benefits, such as it is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. And the best part is, you can get them almost anywhere and cheap.

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Kangkong can be used in various dishes, it can serve as an extender or add on toppings; like “Sinigang”, it can be added on either version of sinigang – pork / milkfish (see pictures for reference) or can be also be the main ingredient like “Adobong Kangkong” and the recipe I’m going to share to you.



By the way, cooking Adobong Kangkong is really easy.. You simply need to stir fry the kangkong along with some garlic, onion, and (optional) pork and tofu; finally add soysauce or oystersauce and a bit of vinegar for flavor balancing/enhancement.


Now let me share to you a special dish using a Chinese spinach that I’m good of and can surely satisfy your taste buds too. It’s none other than the “Kangkong patty”, it can be snack or eat it with the rice, for richer and more interesting flavor though; you can dip in vinegar with mince onions & some chili or can simply dip it in ketchup with mayonnaise. Also, my preferred way to eat is with a burger bun.

This was perfect for those people who really love vegies or for the vegetarians. Well, even you’re not a vegetarian, after you taste this kind of dish you will surely like it and crave for more.
Now, without further adds on. Let’s get into it.

*Ingredients Needed:

  1. All Purpose Flour
  2. Minced onion
  3. Minced garlic
  4. Salt
  5. Pepper
  6. Eggs


A simple way and easy step-by-step procedure of my recipe:
1.You must separate the leaves into the stem and chopped into a small piece of it. (Well, its ok if you want to combine the stem and leaves or separate each)

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2.MIX all the ingredients in a bowl.
3.Fry it in oil with the medium fire until cooked.


And now it's ready to serve you!




Happy Eating!

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Thanks for Sharing bii!! I will try the Kangkong burger! =)

yeah sure be😊! you will surely like it😍

Ito na ang tatalo sa Kang Kong Chips Original by JM. hehe

@sagarkothari88 vote

Yay! I love adobong kangkong with tufo and pork. But I will try the kangkong burger too☺️

you try it now @eljk17 you will love kangkong burger I swear!