Hello friends, it's Sunday again meaning it's time prepare a meal for the family.
Every weekend we see to it that we prepare something different, usually the food that we crave.
My wife prepared barbeque so it's my task to cook it.
I am just using a make shift grill in the back of our house. I maybe using a makeshift grill but the food that I'm cooking is really special.
And of course out son is here to assist me, to make sure I'm doing it right. Im just glad that he loves joining me when I'm doing stuff like this. This will also serve as his training since he will be the one to cook for us once he grows older, haha. Kidding aside this is also one our bonding because during weekend we have to go to work, and we spent less time with him. It's only during weekend that we et to spend quality time like this.
We used the jowl part of the pig , and before skewering it we soaked it in Soy Sauce with garlic to give it more flavor. The fats was sizzling and it has a nice smell making me hungry while grilling. Even the smoke smells nice with the oil dripping on the charcoal.
While I'm grilling my wife is preparing a dipping saw. With the vinegar as the base she added minced garlic, onion and of course the king of every meal the Chili . I don't know but a meal is not complete without Chili, specially here in the highlands we always want Chili on the table whenever we eat.
After maybe 30 minutes all the BBQ is cooked , its time to eat. It's just a simple meal, we have the Barbeque the dipping sauce and rice. Every Filipino meal rice is always present. I guess when were done eating all the rice will be gone. hehe
And that's it for our weekend dinner, I hope you enjoyed the pictures.
How bout you , What did you prepare this weekend, feel free to share it with us here at Lifescape Tribe.
Thanks again for dropping by.
I hope you had a great weekend, see you in the next one.
Your Friendly Neighbor , @suteru