I need encouragement

in Liketulast year


Hello everybody, long time no see, how are you? Past few months were busy, I need to take care of my work, and my son every day, it makes me so exhausted. That’s why I don’t write post on Hive for 3 months. Sorry about that.

When talking my job, it’s too tired to travel other cities in mainland China too frequent. I told my leader can I don’t travel too much? There are other people in the training department in our company, why I always need to travel? I miss my son and don’t feel good to let my husband take care him only.

Although my husband mother and father will help but as a mother we always want to take care son by ourselves, do you agree?

My husband has difficult time on his business, his booth in the shopping mall is really bad management, no people visit the mall, no business every day. Now he is trying to leave the mall, but the mall told him that he need to pay back the rent. He don’t agree. I don’t know too much detail, I don’t want to increase his trouble, so I didn’t ask these months.

I see the coin price go up a lot in the market, but I only have hive coin. I hope I can write everyday so I can have more coin, my husband tell me it is not late to write again. I try, I try.

Last week my leader asked me to go Guangzhou shop to give training class to the colleagues, I try to talk to leader, asked can I don’t go this time? He said a lot of things to me, and encourage me not too upset.

And he promised me treat me a good meal after work. Ok, I cannot say no I think, then I ready some clothes and depart in the next day. The training need to take 2 days, so I need bring some clothes to Guangzhou.

After the training of the first day, as promised by leader, he took our team to eat at good restaurant, it call Tipsy in “四海城” shopping mall. My mood is a bit better after ate a lot of good foods.

Luckily, the training of second day finish very quick, we can leave afternoon, take train back to my home. I can see my son again.

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