in GEMSlast month

Hey lovelies ❤️
It's your favorite girl @debbie-ese
Welcome to my blog 🤗

There are some times when twenty-four hours seems not to be enough for us - yesterday was one of such days when time seem to passby faster than I had expected. It was a busy day for me at my shop so i had to postpone my trip to the market till later in the evening. I had plan to buy some fresh vegetables, african spinach to be specific. But, my day passed by so quickly that i had to hasten up to the market before the vendors start to close for the day.

Most times when I want to prepare vegetable soup I usually find delight in mixing african spinach with both pumpkin and water leaf. But today I decided to buy only african spinach not because I want to keep the soup simple but mainly because the two other leaves are not that much in the market lately - this could be majorly linked to lack of rain. We have been in the dry season for some months and most food that are being produced is through irrigation farming.

Fast forward to when I was approaching the vendor I buy from most of the time, I spotted him preparing to pack this wares as he was about to close for the day. I had to hasten up so that I won't be met with the disappointment of not being able to buy what I wanted or settling for less. It can be very painful when you hear such words like "We're closed for the day, Please check back tomorrow."
Thankfully, I was able to walk up to him fast enough to meet some fresh leaves on his table - just the way I love it - fresh and big. I greeted him and selected the ones I wanted without wasting any more time. However, when it was tine for negotiation, I had to make use of some time so that I can get a good deal since I wasn't buy one or two. I wanted about 10 bunches, so it is important to haggle well in order to get a good price.

He sells each bunch for #100, but I was able to negotiate three for #250. At the end , after some back and forth I was able to buy 12 bunches for #1000. I was able to save #200, 12 was supposedto be #1200. It wasn't a big discount that i secured but at the end my haggling skills came to the fore.

One more thing before I leave the vendor is that I wanted him to slice the vegetables for me. So, I politely asked if he will be willing to cut it for me considering the fact that time isn't on our side. He agreed to do it for me and neatly packaged it in a bag for me. Then, I quickly dashed to the nearest exit gate to avoid being locked in the market. 20220904_130208.jpgWhen I got home I was too tired to prepare the soup, I just washed the leaves properly and kept them safe in my refrigerator. Hopefully, I will cook them before the week runs out and I will be glad to share with you all.

Thanks For Reading and See You in My Next One.


So rich these leaves ❤️❤️

@tipu curate