The Right Way to Start a Day


The right way to start any day, but especially a Sublime and Beautiful Sunday, is with the breakfast of champions. Now what the breakfast of champions might consist of may vary from person to person, but for me it would consist of eggs, bacon, and biscuits with sausage and gravy. For this post though, I will concentrate on just making the sausage gravy.

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Now I love Bob Evans sausage gravy and that is the high mark that I aim for when cooking it myself at home. Of course the sausage is the foundational ingredient to the recipe, so I recommend using Bob Evans sausage. I always opt for the original flavor and steer clear from the spicy choice. Other brands of sausage can be used in a pinch, but additional seasoning will be required.

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A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step and this journey of food delight begins with browning the sausage.

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Now add a chunk of butter.

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Toss in a handful of flour.

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Pour in a little milk in stir.

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Rinse and repeat until you have a nice thick gravy that is of the desired consistency.

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Add in a little Worcestershire sauce…

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Trust me on this, a little soy sauce goes a long way for a deep rich flavor as well as an appealing color.

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I prefer to use butter swim biscuits which are super easy to make.

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Looking good but still lacking a key ingredient...

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This is like the proverbial cherry on top.

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Some locally grown light sweet honey really sets it off!!

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Like Brylcreem used to say, "Just a little dab will do you."


The Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday tags are some of my faves! I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats and supporting the accounts. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!


Let's all have a good week ahead!


Ah ya the old guy knows how to harness the power of Bob Evans to fuel a strong week! Looks like classic family comfort food.

The sun may be going down on a good week but we have a whole new one to make the best.

Oh I can feel the cold from that photo. Hope you are soon to be coming into some warmer days up there in the North!

Oh ya the warm weather and rain has erased all the snow and the sun seems to have some warmth. We will be in spring in no time!

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Curated by ewkaw

Right way to start the day!

That looks delish!

I love sausage gravy and those buttery biscuits are the bomb!

I've never put honey in/on my gravy biscuit, but I used to sit beside a woman that always put grape jelly on her bought sausage biscuits which I thought was weird, until I tried it and now I want grape jelly on all my sausage biscuits! Yum!

Man, I bet not many people knows Brylcreem nowadays.
Hope you enjoy your own cooking. 😎