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RE: Choosing who to save is challenging.

in Hive Learners5 months ago

don't even remind me of the covid era lol I think I must be the person who caught covid the most times ... 4 times until today xD, never with serious side effects not even the first time! I think we all know that there is a hierarchy and that the government is never interested in the people who are at the bottom of the "pyramid"... the "non-essential" ones. I think that watching so many movies I learned that we are the ones who make the most important decision to safeguard the lives of our loved ones... I clearly will ignore the government and act to save my family and I always make the best decision to isolate myself to avoid depending on third party decisions... because in moments of panic nobody knows how to act but yourself.


I think that watching so many movies I learned that we are the ones who make the most important decision to safeguard the lives of our loved ones... I clearly will ignore the government and act to save my family and I always make the best decision to isolate myself to avoid depending on third party decisions... because in moments of panic nobody knows how to act but yourself.

I think in a role of a regular citizen (aka me right now) I would do the same. I was thinking as a person on the top of the things, if I was a president of a country, I would have more people than my family right now!