Hello friends. After I realized my cooking skills can be appreciated in more communities on Hive, I decided to share with you all how I made my veggie noodles. I call it veggie noodles because is filled with different kinds of veggies and for a noodles, it is a rich food. Follow while I give you the step by step process to making this noodles.
Spring Onions
Veg. Oil
The first thing to do is boil your noodles. I know a lot of people like to cook noodles at once by placing it in the pot, adding all the spices and just cooking it straight but no. I boil my noodles first just as you can see in my picture.
I’m actually the type who loves to boil my egg alongside my noodles so that I don’t have to waste gas and that’s what I did.
While my noodles is getting boiled, in another pot, I will pour some veg.oil and fry my veggies. Frying my veggies has to do with the carrot and spring onions.
Then, when it is well fried, I will pour the pepper in it, add all my seasoning and pour the boiling noodles in it. It’s very important to make sure that the noodles is already soft because the next process is the same as frying the noodles which won’t even stay long on the fire. If your noodles is as soft as this, you can pour it in the frying pan.
Now, the only thing left is making sure that the noodles gets dry in the fry pan. Yes, a little part of it may get burned but it is nothing to worry about. You can’t escape it because there is an amount of veg.oil in the pot which will make it burn but just a little portion.
This is the best time to start peeling off your egg shell so that once the food gets dry, you will just dish it in your plate and have a good time eating.
This is the outcome of my veggie noodles. I hope you learn more with me. I sliced my egg into two and now, it is time to eat.
Goodbye to you all!