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RE: Spaghetti Fritatta Gone Wrong!!!

in Hive Learners9 months ago

The name alone made me raise an eyebrow. I know of plantain frittata not Spaghetti kini. And the outcome is just very hilarious. I can imagine you smiling and dancing as you thought you were making something new(well, it's new😅) not knowing you were on to cooking "spoil."
Did you finish the Spaghetti frittata??😀

I just realized that rhe meal was supposed to be like meshai(the noodles and egg mix). I don't know if to blame you or your AI🤣🤣


The name alone made me raise an eyebrow. I know of plantain frittata not Spaghetti kini.


You know that mood knowing you are doing something new and can't wait to taste it? So hilarious in the end with the rubbish I did 🤣

I couldn't finish it oo. I threw the rest away 😪

You learned a lesson the terrible way.
Now you'll consider using YouTube if AI gives you food recommendation😂

Hahaha 😆
Yes oo. YouTube all the way.
Thanks 😊