A Blessed Sunday and a Taste of Home: My Banga Soup Adventure"

in Hive Learners3 months ago (edited)


Hello everyone, Welcome to my blog.

It's the first day in the last month in the year 2024, and it has been such an awesome day.

I woke up very early this morning and I prepared myself for church, and every first Sunday is a Thanksgiving service at my church, the Fathers House, here in the city of Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.

It was an all-white service in which we had time to praise and worship. There was a guest artist in church who led us in a powerful praise and worship section.

After the service, the music team had some rehearsals in preparation for our mega Christmas carol concert, which is coming up on the 15th of December 2024.

I soon came to my hostel, where I decided to make my favorite local dish from Delta State, Nigeria, which is the Banga soup.

Banga soup is a local dish for different tribes in Delta State; it is usually served during traditional wedding rights in some cultures like Isoko, Itshekeri, and Urhobo, just to mention a few.

Banga soup is gotten from the palm nut fruit; it is usually harvested in bunches and then debunched and used for oil palm production and other things. It is also used for banga soup, which is a local name that palm nut is called back in Delta State, Nigeria.

Ingridents needed

  1. Palm nut
  2. Fish or meat
  3. Crayfish
  4. Salt
  5. Cube seasoning (knor)
  6. The Banga spice
  7. Grounded pepper and some other things



Boil your banga for about 20 to 25 minutes till it is soft there after I poured out the water and added the palm ut to a bowl where I matched it with a small pistol.

I took some water and added it to the matched palm nut in order to extract the water from the palm nut.

The next step was to put my meat on fire with seasoning and also some pepper. Once I was done with the extraction of the oil, I placed it on fire and added the stock water from the meat, which I boiled.

Once the oil started boiling, I added some pepper and also the banga soup spices and then some salt, and then the season before I added the crayfish and meat, which I kept aside.


There are different methods of preparing banga soup, but this method is the most suitable of all the methods I know. Let me know do if you will try out this recipe. Thank you for stopping by.

All images used were taken on my phone.

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