Just like water is essential for man's health and stability, one important need of man is food. We go out daily to our our various work all to put food on the table for our survival. In as much as food is much needed, one has to be careful of what they thrown into the3 mouth to avoid stories that touches the heart.
Food is needed because it provides us with energy, stimulate growth and maintains life by providing nutritional support for our system. Although we have the six classes of food which we have been taught right from our elementary school, but now we classify food into two, which are junk food and healthy food. Healthy food adds more nutritional value to our bodies especially the ones high in fiber and vitamins with less calories. Most at time we eat whatever we come across not minding if it's beneficial or not. But unfortunately junk food which is the second and also known to be unhealthy cause it contain lots of calories is what we go after almost all time.
Most at times, I prefer to cook my meals myself first I take my health as my number one priority and whatever goes down into my stomach should be clean cause I won't want to be causing any harm to myself like they say prevention is better than cure. Putting into due considerations, there are so many factors that makes me want to cook my food such as cleanliness. Cooking in a clean environment makes the food more healthier and free from bacterials so many times you find out that after some people eats a meal it leads to running stomach because it was not properly prepared so their body system can't accept it. Also I consider quantity and quality alot as a foodie like myself, eating from a fast food warrant me to buy an extra plate and before reaching home I will still be soughting for what to eat before going to bed. And again it's relatively cheaper compared to restaurant meals. Imagine using 4k to buy a plate of rice and a plastic drink meanwhile that money can be used to to prepare two to three nutritious meal at home using half measure of half of rice at home.
So now there is a but because when am stressed out, I can't imagine my self going to the kitchen. Cooking personal meals should be fun and creative not a do or die affair so honestly speaking I would opt for a fast food rather than going to cook. In as much as we all have bad experience with some fast food the truth still remains there are nice ones that prep their food real good but the issue is that one would have encountered a very terrible experience that almost cost our lives before locating the good ones. During my early days of working I remember how a plate of food almost landed me in the hospital, few hours after eating the food I was constantly visiting the rest room all through the night the next morning I visited a pharmacy to get drugs and the only thing remaining was be be admitted but I was not admitted sha.🤣 But then after sometime, I went back to buying food from eatry but you can't blame me sometimes I cook but no appetite to it because of some craving so to satisfy myself, buying outside is just the only option I have.
So in other word home made food is the best while fast food is good.😊
All photos are mine.
Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents W114e2 Cooking or Fast Food. Do well to subscribe to the community so we can hear from you as well. 😍
Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️