When Moderation Ends...

in Hive Learners7 months ago

Sugar is one of the most consumed substances in the world, and its sweetness is one thing many people always crave so badly, most especially kids. I believe more than half the world population is addicted to eating sugar because the substance itself is addictive and humans find it irresistible; it's just impossible not to love that awesomeness it leaves on our taste buds every time we taste it.

I have met numerous people who left me speechless with their unbelievable sugar addiction, and I still can't comprehend how they add sugar to almost every meal they eat. The first time I saw someone add sugar to beans that I barely add seasoning to, I thought the person had a certain disorder or something.

I tasted the bean out of curiosity and spat it out because it already has excess seasoning, and to ruin it all, sugar was added. I thought it was abnormal until I met more ààappeople who added sugar to beans, and I had to admit it's a normal thing for people. Back in polytechnic, I met a friend who adds sugar to yam, beans, and even tea brands that don't really need sugar, and it baffles me how he copes because I can't dare such.

Aside from naturally struggling to eat things that are too sweet, excessive sugar consumption leaves my belly in a very bad state. I experience bloating, and it paves the way for pile in the blink of an eye, so I am always mindful of my sugar consumption. I depend more on natural sources like fruit, food, and vegetables, which are still healthy to an extent.

I barely take carbonated drinks and will always choose to make juice from fruit as long as I can lay my hands on one. Eating homemade meals also helps me to determine the quantity of sugar in my food, and luckily for me, my family isn't the excessive sugar type except just one person.

On the other hand, I have met people who claim not to eat sugar, but they are wrong because after carbohydrates get processed in the belly, the end product of it is sugar, so as long as you are eating even natural food, you have taken sugar.

The people I find the funniest are those who don't drink carbonated drinks because of excessive sugar consumption but end up drinking 10 bottles of beer. You guys are at the same table with those who drink ice cream every minute.

Just as important as sugar is to our body, it poses a great danger when we aren't disciplined with our consumption. From childhood, I know excessive consumption of sugar can be dangerous, but I wasn't aware that a low sugar level was a big health issue as well, so consuming sugar moderately is very important.

I actually do not struggle with my sugar consumption just because I know the discomfort it would bring to me, so that's enough for me to prevent myself from crossing my boundaries with sugar, although there are times when I put my discipline away to try out new recipes, and whenever it backfires, I rely on natural treatments to counter the effect of excessive sugar in my body.

I have three herbs I take regularly to ease the effect of sugar, and they are ginger, bitter leaves, or basil. I was raised with these herbs, and they have been very effective for me over the years. You can decide to make a soup or juice out of these three things, and you are good to go.

Sugar is a double-edged sword and while it brings sweetness, we must keep in mind that it is capable of bringing great harm to our body system. I believe that by being disciplined with our consumption, depending solely on sugar from natural sources, or even finding other healthy alternatives, we can strike a balance between our sugar cravings and staying healthy.

While moderation remains the best approach to our sugar consumption, I also believe that proper awareness about the negative effects of excessive sugar is the first step towards embracing a healthier relationship with sugar.

All Image Are Mine


Omo... Sugar in beans?
Some people just like ijekuje😂😂
Its alarming the lengths people are willing to go to satisfy their sugar craving, it's even scary. Sadly, I can be one of them at times...🤧

Lolz, that was a sincere confession and those who don't consume sugar much can't deny stepping out of that boundary once in a while so it's understandable.

People just go too extreme and I wonder why it's like that.

I prefer natural sweeteners, nothing better than that, and currently as a diabetic, I have become accustomed to putting aside sugar, which for me is deadly.

btw i am microreylatos from read.cash :P

Oh, papa it's nice to see you again. It's been a long time, I hope everything is fine with you.

Avoiding sugar as well can be completely dangerous and depending on the natural sources of sugar is a really good thing.

Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

Thanks for the love, happy weekend.

This one off me I, sugar in beans ke😅 some people taste bud bad sha, beans that on its own make some people bloated, then imagine going extra mile to add sugar, that's crazy

Lolz, there are a lot of people who can eat their beans without sugar and it's really funny to me. After munching everything, they will start complaining of jedi jedi lolz.

Low sugar level kills even faster than excessive sugar. I have equally tasted beans which had sugar in it. My mood was dampened coz I am a beans lover and hated the fact that sugar was added to it. In all, moderation pays

I was shocked when I learned about low sugar levels and it actually emphasizes the need for moderate sugar consumption.

It's really annoying seeing people add sugar to food like bean and yam.

such is a great turn off for me

Too much consumption of sugar is very bad that is why i try my best to stay away from sugary stuff. Because of how dangerous it is

Yeah, as dangerous as it is, it's also important for the body and we just have to do it moderately.

Yes dear