Easier and Faster Only To Risk Lives.

in Hive Learners27 days ago

Agricultural is one of the biggest blessings man will forever be grateful for and cannot do without, we definitely can't live without food because of how we are made up. Our body depends on the nutrients gotten from these different sources, either plant, animal or combination of both. Agriculture is believed to be one of the oldest practice in the history of humanity, I strongly believe that agriculture is as old as man because human couldn't have can't do without them.

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Despite the dependency of man on agriculture to stay alive, it seems to be stressful because of the various processes involved in knowing and acquiring what to plant, to site to use, then to land preparation, planting and nurturing of crops till it gets to harvesting. Doing all these procedures used to require great amount of manpower and time from start to finish. However, the invention saved man some energy and gave leverage to work a bit faster: it made agriculture easier. It didn't stop there, greater inventions came to light, as man saw the need for a faster and easier means. Machines were made, both mechanical and electrical /electrical. Tractors, ploughs, various harvesters, harrower, etc. There was still the issue of preservation of crops on farm to avoid pest infestation and preservation for harvested crops. Another issue is some goods perish quickly and causes loss for farmers. So there was a need for solution to address these problems.

The dire desire to make agriculture more profitable and the processes faster has brought some harm with the solutions to the problems. Majorly on the area of processing and preservation, there has been a lot of unhealthy methods used to get desired results. The use of very powerful or strong preservatives (chemicals) to prolong the shelf life of certain goods so as to avoid losses, yet some of these preservatives are too strong and result to loss of human lives. Harmful preservatives that frying, cooking, boiling and maybe roasting won't be able to render harmless. Just this morning I watched a video on Instagram made by a very popular doctor. The video was about the method of process some manufacturers have embraced to quicken the fermentation of a popular food in Nigeria called fufu. I can't believe some individuals go to the extent of adding detergents to alter the rate of fermentation of this food. It was discovered when a life was lost and investigation showed that it was food poisoning, the last food the person ate was traced back to the seller and then producer of the fufu. It was on the news, I was so scared because how can we not be safe even our own locally made foods. It's so scary!!


Quickening the ripening of plantain is very common and some can be natural but few are just not worth risking lives. I wait for one out of the bunch of plantains to get ripe then I put it among the unripe ones, the ripe and yellow plantain releases a chemical called ethylene, which can cause other unripe plantain to ripe quickly. But I have seen countless times traders covering brunches of plantains in a big baskets to ripe faster. Truly, some amount of heat will alter the rate but such is not ideal, it is better to put the bunches of plantain outside u Der the sun, they get heat from the sun light and air at the same time. The desire to make some processes faster has caused more harm than good. Some preservative used on beans and yams are just too dangerous, imagine people using sniper to prevent farm produce from pests and insects. The preservatives used to preserve the sealed foods we eat, the junks and readily made foods we consume are contributing factors to bad health: countless consumotion of unhealthy or badly processed foods accumulates to give serious health issues known today. I've always been skeptical about some foods, like sardine, what kind of chemical is used to preserve fish for a very long time, I know oil and salt can serve as a preservative but won't do for a very long time. Imported frozen foods especially sea foods are also not entirely safe for consumption, ships stay on water for months before getting to their destinations, many of the foods would have lost the nutrients to very cold conditions, nutrients that should have been consumed by humans.

Thank you for reading this post, share your thoughts below.


The impact of science and technology are undoubtedly enormous and you've listed many of those aspects it helps alot, while these are good, the downside on health, declining in nutrition ain't good enough and I think finding a way to strike a balance is needed, by stopping GMOs and promoting usage of organic fertiliser.

I remember when my mom always tell me that there is no shortcut in life. Things gotten an easier pace tends to be risky. Same applied to technology.

Until now, I didn't know that people use artificial methods to make plantain ripe. I thought it was just for mango and cherry (udara, agbalumo)

Our world is a consumerist world where there is no time to wait for the natural development of food, which often harms our health.