Kamperska proja /Camper pie

in Ukusi Banatalast month

Dobro veče dragi Hajveri.Kako ste? Nadam se dobrog zdravlja i ispunjeni! 🥰
Večeras malo pauza od akvarela. Ovoga puta ću vam predložiti recept za savršenu, jednostavnu i ukusnu pitu.☝️ Nije skupa i idealna je da se spremi brzo za iznenadne goste.🥰
Evo šta vam je potrebno od namirnica:

  • 4 jajeta
  • Šolja kotaž sira ali može da posluži bilo koji sir za pite i kolače.
  • 4 zdenka sira ( topljeni sir )
  • Šolja palente ( kukuruzno brašno)
    1/2 čaše kisele vode
  • Prašak za pecivo
  • So
  • Susam

Good evening, dear Hajveri. How are you? I hope you are in good health and fulfilled! 🥰
A little break from watercolors tonight. This time I will suggest you a recipe for a perfect, simple and delicious pie. ☝️ It's not expensive and it's ideal to prepare quickly for unexpected guests.
Here's what you need for groceries:

  • 4 eggs
  • A cup of cottage cheese, but any cheese can be used for pies and cakes.
  • 4 jars of cheese (processed cheese)
  • A cup of polenta (corn flour)
    1/2 cup of sour water
  • Baking powder
  • So
  • Sesame


U dublju činiju prvo ubacite 4 jaja

First put 4 eggs in a deep bowl


Zatim kotaž ili neki drugi sir ka pite i kolače...

Then cottage cheese or some other cheese for pies and cakes...



Nakon toga, ubacite 4 komada zdenka sira ( topljeni sir )...

After that, insert 4 pieces of zdenka cheese (processed cheese)...



Zatim dodajte pola kašičice soli...

Then add half a teaspoon of salt…


I sve to lepo promešajte ručno, viljuškom...

And mix it all well by hand, with a fork



Zatim ubacite šolju krupno mlevenog kukuruznog brašna...

Then add a cup of coarsely ground cornmeal...


Zatim pola šolje kisele vode...

Then half a cup of sour water...


Malo promešajte pa dodajte jednu kesicu praška za pecivo...
Ako slučajno nemate prašak za pecivo, može i pola kašičice sode bikarbone...

Mix a little and then add one bag of baking powder...
If you don't happen to have baking powder, you can use half a teaspoon of baking soda...




Kada ste sve dobro promešali, pripremite okruglu tepsiju i obložite je papirom za pečenje...

When you have mixed everything well, prepare a round pan and line it with baking paper...


Zatim u nju sipajte pripremljenu smesu...

Then pour the prepared mixture into it...



Na kraju pospite susamom. Možete direktno iz kesice ili prvo propržite kao ja. Zato što je sa prženim susamom ukusnije.

At the end, sprinkle with sesame seeds. You can directly from the bag or fry first like I did. Because it tastes better with toasted sesame seeds.




Sada stavite u zagrejanu rernu da peče 20 minuta na 200 stepeni.

Now put it in a heated oven to bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.



Pita je ispečena! Liči na žuti cvet, zar ne? Mmm, još kad bi mogli da osetite miris...
Moj drug je bio strpljiv i sada će prvi probati pitu!
Pitala sam ga da li je ukusno?

The pie is baked! It looks like a yellow flower, doesn't it? Mmm, if only you could smell it...
My friend was patient and now he will be the first to try the pie!
I asked him if it was tasty?


Hehehe....ako ne verujete, napravite i vi ovu pitu koju možete jesti uz jogurt, mleko ili neko povrće...

Hehehe....if you don't believe me, make this pie yourself, which you can eat with yogurt, milk or some vegetables



Bez ulja, belog brašna, aditiva...
Uživajte u ovoj brzoj, zdravoj i ukusnoj piti.

Without oil, white flour, additives...
Enjoy this quick, healthy and delicious pie.

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


😃🤤😋 looks delicious 💛.

And it is.☝️
