Hm,da li ste raspoloženi za jedan recept? 🤗 Ako je odgovor DA, možemo da se bacimo na avanturu kuvanja! U pitanju je lagani ručak koji sigurno nećete praviti jedanput! ☝️ Evo šta vam je potrebno od namirnica:
Piletina, prokelj, luk, šargarepa,pavlaka, ulje,začini (biber, suvi začini,crvena paprika)...
Um, are you in the mood for a recipe? 🤗 If the answer is YES, we can embark on a cooking adventure! It's a light lunch that you certainly won't make once! ☝️ Here's what you need from groceries:
Chicken, sprouts, onions, carrots, sour cream, oil, spices (pepper, dry spices, red pepper)...
Za početak, sitno iseckajte crni luk i šargarepu i dinstajte desetak minuta.
To begin with, finely chop the onion and carrot and simmer for ten minutes.
Kada je povrće omekšalo, dodajte piletinu isečenu na trake...
When the vegetables have softened, add the chicken cut into strips...
Dinstati dok meso ne pobeli.
Zatim ubaciti prokelj...
Stew until the meat turns white.
Then throw in the Brussels sprouts...
Dodati začine i kuvati oko 20 minuta, a zatim dodati pavlaku, pa krčkati još 2, 3 minuta da se sve sjedini...👌
Add the spices and cook for about 20 minutes, then add the sour cream, then simmer for another 2-3 minutes to combine everything...👌
To je to! Jednostavno, lagano i ukusno! ☝️
E da, možete na kraju ukrasiti rendanim kačkavaljem kao i ja, ali to samo kad imam goste. 😄
Dok sam kuvala, stigli su mi gosti pa nisam stigla da fotografišem onoliko koliko sam htela...hahahaha..
Toliko smo bili gladni da me čudi da sam uopšte i stigla da fotografišem gotovo jelo. 😂😂😂
Hvala na pažnji i prijatno.🍷 Sa srećom! 🥂
That's it! Simple, easy and delicious! ☝️
While I was cooking, my guests arrived so I didn't have time to take as many photos as I wanted...hahahaha..
We were so hungry that I'm surprised I even managed to photograph the finished dish. 😂😂😂
Thank you for your attention and have a good time.🍷 Good luck! 🥂
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!